Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Huarache in the City

Ever since I read David Byrne's description of the Red Hook vendors several years ago, I'd been longing to see them for myself. Since the ball field is a manageable walk from my apartment, I headed over there over Labor Day weekend. The crowds were small at 11AM on Sunday. All the better to observe the offerings of each truck, and make a careful decision.

I ended up with a shrimp huarache and some horchata, which I sat down to enjoy at an empty picnic table. The huarache, on a giant, handmade, masa, tortilla-like structure, disintegrated quickly and as I had failed to ask for a fork, I ended up eating it with my fingers. It was delicious but very messy and I was glad no one was sitting next to me... Until a little old lady sat down with her arepa and looked over and said, "Bueno?" To which I enthusiastically responded "Si!" and then continued contentedly to stuff my face with saucy bits of huarache.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Im glad to see this post. I hope you start up again. If not, the photo above makes me salivate. A
